This ia a wood carving of a Cape Island Fisherman on a wharf with fishing gear and two small Cape Island style boats. I carved the fisherman and made the trawl tub, then life happened and I had to stop carving for a while. I had the Fisherman on my web site and I was asked by the NS School Board if they could use a picture of it in the grade 3 Social Studies book. I explained that it wasn't finished but they were, of course welcome to use the picture. I am not sure if they still use this same book today.
The lobster trap is built to immitate a used softwood trap and the bows and nuzzles are made from local black spruce from a local swamp. I knit the heads with a tiney mesh board and small net needle.
The small boats are made from ceramic.
My idea in making this carving was to show the strong connection between the Cape Island fishermen and the Cape Island style boat.
Wood Carving
some accessories are in wood or twine
height - a little over two feet
length - 18 inches
width - 16 inches
price - $1200 Ca